MEMORIAL DAY by AL Gottfried


Sherman Oaks, California, our State Farm Insurance Tee It Up Show broadcast center studios

Thinking of the past weeks activities surrounding Memorial Day. I cant help but think of my deceased beloved father and father-n-law, Jerry and George respectively, both veterans of WW2. Both fought in combat and were true American patriots who loved this country and were great guys!  This goes for millions of men and women who gave their lives. Still giving lives so all us can enjoy our liberties; its bantered a lot I know, trite but so true.

My thoughts today are on family and golf and the good lives most of us enjoy..

I’m compelled to write about one of the most sad, but joyous tv interviews I have ever seen that occurred last weekend on NBC, conducted by NBC’s  Brian Williams; interviewing 7 women who are grateful survivors of the ill fated recent Boston marathon bombing –  but all who lost a leg! It was unreal. I encourage everyone to watch this interview. And then take a deep breathe like I have been doing ever since. Reflect on how much we all bitch and moan when we get a cold or some back pain from our not so perfect golf swing..

Think again on how we live here in the Untied States and enjoy all the opportunities we are given and have freedom to pursue dreams. Occupations, careers, etc… Freedom to be with friends and family and not only pursue valuable time on golf courses or traveling or taking part in what ever recreational activities we want to do.

Finally, go squeeze a loved one, a friend, a customer, anyone you like or love;  hug them and tell them how much you care about them. Go play some golf too and give a listen to us all on…live broadcasts Sundays 6-8am PST / 9-11am EST.

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